Table of contents:
What you are going to get today
Thanks for choosing to stop by, I can guarantee it will be worth it! In 3 sentences this is what you’ll get from reading this post;
- The hypothesis, designs, results, and key learnings from 13 extremely varied A/B tests
- For all 13 tests, a key persuasion learning that can be used as inspiration for your testing
- One link to 6 years’ worth of CRO testing insights
13 very different A/B tests
I recently presented this at the Northern User Experience meetup and it was interesting to see practitioners of User Experience surprised by some of the results we got from testing. Below is the video which provides a detailed analysis of 13 very different types of A/B tests, covering;
- Sitewide value/brand proposition
- Social proof versus authority USP bar
- Lead generation landing page
- Radical homepage redesign
- Paywall pop-up
- Lead generation pop-up
- Lead generation content request form
- Button wording
- Annual/monthly subscription funnel
- Shopping basket
- Subscription plan feature comparison table